| Class | Description |
| AnimationSetBase |
Provides an abstract base class for data set classes that hold animation data for use in animator classes. |
| AnimationStateBase |
Provides an abstract base class for state classes that hold animation node data for specific animation states. |
| AnimatorBase |
Provides an abstract base class for animator classes that control animation output from a data set subtype of AnimationSetBase. |
| PathAnimator | |
| SkeletonAnimationSet |
The animation data set used by skeleton-based animators, containing skeleton animation state data. |
| SkeletonAnimationState |
The animation state class used by skeleton-based animation data sets to store animation node data. |
| SkeletonAnimator |
Provides and interface for assigning skeleton-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects
and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be
automatically updated or manually triggered
| UVAnimationSet |
The animation data set used by uv-based animators, containing uv animation state data. |
| UVAnimationState |
The animation state class used by uv-based animation data sets to store uv animation node data. |
| UVAnimator |
Provides an interface for assigning uv-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects
and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be
automatically updated or manually triggered. |
| VertexAnimationSet |
The animation data set used by vertex-based animators, containing vertex animation state data. |
| VertexAnimationState |
The animation state class used by vertex-based animation data sets to store vertex animation node data. |
| VertexAnimator |
Provides an interface for assigning vertex-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects
and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be
automatically updated or manually triggered. |