 IPicker Provides an interface for picking objects that can pick 3d objects from a view or scene.
 IPickingCollider Provides an interface for picking colliders that can be assigned to individual entities in a scene for specific picking behaviour.
 AS3PickingCollider Pure AS3 picking collider for entity objects.
 AutoPickingCollider Auto-selecting picking collider for entity objects.
 PBPickingCollider PixelBender-based picking collider for entity objects.
 PickingColliderBase An abstract base class for all picking collider classes.
 PickingColliderType Options for setting a picking collider for entity objects.
 PickingCollisionVO Value object for a picking collision returned by a picking collider.
 PickingType Options for the different 3D object picking approaches available in Away3D.
 RaycastPicker Picks a 3d object from a view or scene by 3D raycast calculations.
 ShaderPicker Picks a 3d object from a view or scene by performing a separate render pass on the scene around the area being picked using key color values, then reading back the color value of the pixel in the render representing the picking ray.