 IAnimationSet Provides an interface for data set classes that hold animation data for use in animator classes.
 IAnimator Provides an interface for animator classes that control animation output from a data set subtype of AnimationSetBase.
 AnimationSetBase Provides an abstract base class for data set classes that hold animation data for use in animator classes.
 AnimatorBase Provides an abstract base class for animator classes that control animation output from a data set subtype of AnimationSetBase.
 ParticleAnimationSet The animation data set used by particle-based animators, containing particle animation data.
 ParticleAnimator Provides an interface for assigning paricle-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be automatically updated or manually triggered.
 SkeletonAnimationSet The animation data set used by skeleton-based animators, containing skeleton animation data.
 SkeletonAnimator Provides an interface for assigning skeleton-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be automatically updated or manually triggered.
 UVAnimationSet The animation data set used by uv-based animators, containing uv animation state data.
 UVAnimator Provides an interface for assigning uv-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be automatically updated or manually triggered.
 VertexAnimationSet The animation data set used by vertex-based animators, containing vertex animation state data.
 VertexAnimator Provides an interface for assigning vertex-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be automatically updated or manually triggered.