An abstract base class for all lens classes. Lens objects provides a projection matrix that transforms 3D geometry to normalized homogeneous coordinates.
protected var _aspectRatio:Number = 1
protected var _far:Number = 3000
protected var _frustumCorners:Vector.<Number>
protected var _matrix:Matrix3D
protected var _matrixInvalid:Boolean = true
protected var _near:Number = 20
Implementation arcane function get aspectRatio():Number
arcane function set aspectRatio(value:Number):void
The distance to the far plane of the frustum. Anything beyond the far plane will not be rendered.
Implementation public function get far():Number
public function set far(value:Number):void
Retrieves the corner points of the lens frustum.
Implementation public function get frustumCorners():Vector.<Number>
public function set frustumCorners(value:Vector.<Number>):void
The projection matrix that transforms 3D geometry to normalized homogeneous coordinates.
Implementation public function get matrix():Matrix3D
public function set matrix(value:Matrix3D):void
The distance to the near plane of the frustum. Anything behind near plane will not be rendered.
Implementation public function get near():Number
public function set near(value:Number):void
Implementation public function get unprojectionMatrix():Matrix3D
public function LensBase()
Creates a new LensBase object.
public function clone():LensBase
Creates an exact duplicate of the lens
Returns protected function invalidateMatrix():void
Invalidates the projection matrix, which will cause it to be updated on the next request.
public function project(point3d:Vector3D):Vector3D
Returns public function unproject(mX:Number, mY:Number, mZ:Number):Vector3D
Calculates the position of the given normalized coordinates relative to the camera.
| mX:Number — The x coordinate relative to the View3D. -1 corresponds to the utter left side of the viewport, 1 to the right.
| mY:Number — The y coordinate relative to the View3D. -1 corresponds to the top side of the viewport, 1 to the bottom.
| mZ:Number — The distance from the projection plane.
Returns | Vector3D — The scene position of the given screen coordinates.
protected function updateMatrix():void
Updates the matrix
Thu Nov 15 2012, 12:08 PM Z