 AbstractPrimitive Abstract base class for shaded primitives
 Arrow Creates a 3D arrow primitive.
 BezierPatch BezierPatch primitive creates a smooth mesh based on a 4x4 vertex patch using a cubic bezier curve.
 Cone Creates a 3d cone primitive.
 Cube Creates a 3d Cube primitive.
 CubeMappingType Static class that provides constant values for the UV mapping options of the Cube primitive.
 CurveLineSegment Creates a 3d curved line segment.
 Cylinder Creates a 3d cylinder primitive.
 GeodesicSphere Creates a 3d geodesic sphere primitive.
 GridPlane Creates a 3d grid primitive.
 LineSegment Creates a 3d line segment.
 Plane Creates a 3d plane primitive.
 RegularPolygon Creates a regular polygon.
 RoundedCube Creates a 3d roundedcube primitive.
 SeaTurtle Creates a sea turtle model (exported using asAS3Class).
 Skybox QTVR-style 360 panorama renderer that is initialized with six images.
 Skybox6 QTVR-style 360 panorama renderer that is initialized with one solid image.
 Sphere Creates a 3d sphere primitive.
 Torus Creates a 3d torus primitive.
 TorusKnot Creates a 3d pq-torus knot primitive (
 Triangle Creates a 3d triangle.
 Trident Creates an axis trident.
 WireCircle Creates a 3d wire polygon.
 WireCone Creates a 3d wire cone primitive.
 WireCube Creates a 3d wire cube primitive.
 WireCylinder Creates a 3d wire cylinder primitive.
 WirePlane Creates a 3d wire plane primitive.
 WireRegularPolygon Creates a 3d wire polygon.
 WireSphere Creates a 3d wire sphere primitive.
 WireTorus Creates a 3d wire torus primitive.