Classpublic class ElevationModifier
InheritanceElevationModifier Inheritance Object

Class ElevationModifier updates the vertexes of a flat Mesh such as a Plane, RegularPolygon with a bimap information.ElevationModifier

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
update(sourceBmd:BitmapData, mesh:Object3D, channel:String = r, elevate:Number = .5, axis:String = z):void
Updates the vertexes of a Mesh on the z axis according to color information stored into a BitmapData
Constructor Detail
public function ElevationModifier()

Method Detail
public function update(sourceBmd:BitmapData, mesh:Object3D, channel:String = r, elevate:Number = .5, axis:String = z):void

Updates the vertexes of a Mesh on the z axis according to color information stored into a BitmapData


sourceBmd:BitmapData — Bitmapdata. The bitmapData to read from.
mesh:Object3D — Object3D. The mesh Object3D to be updated.
channel:String (default = r) — [optional] String. The channel information to read. supported "a", alpha, "r", red, "g", green, "b", blue and "av" (averages and luminance). Default is red channel "r".
elevate:Number (default = .5) — [optional] Number. The scale multiplier along the z axis. Default is .5.
axis:String (default = z) — [optional] String. The axis to influence. Default is "z".